Sunday, September 02, 2012

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Bad Breath Causes

By Derek Clifford

It's safe to say that when you talk with a friend or co-worker that is close in proximity, the ones who have bad breath can be irritating. This is something everyone worries about and you should understand the causes if you want to figure out a remedy.

Just by eating different foods you can end up with bad breath. This all has to do with the food particles that get left behind and can cause an odor. There are also other foods that have volatile oils, which can cause the bad breath. Great examples of this are things like onions and garlic. When you eat these the oils are actually in the body's bloodstream and sent to the lungs. So everytime you breathe you have bad breath. It will stay this way until the food is eliminated from the body. If you're looking for a timeline, things like garlic and onions can give you bad breath for up to 73 hours after the initial meal.

While food is always a culprit, bad dental hygiene can create just as many issues. If you don't floss or brush daily you can see these bad breath causes surface. A lot of it has to do with food particles collecting bacteria and ending up somewhere in between the gums and teeth. So, when you're done eating a meal, don't be afraid to take five minutes to go to the bathroom and brush your teeth. You'll also want to floss and use some mouthwash as well. The end result is you will start helping your bad breath subside. If you don't the gums will become irritated and the end up with gingivitis, which of course leads to tooth decay. If by chance you have dentures the same rules apply.

Bad breath causes revolve around having a dry mouth as well. When your body can't produce enough saliva, dead cells begin to gather on your cheeks, gums and tongue. When they start to decompose they cause an odor. This is why our morning breath isn't the best thing in the world. Our mouths simply dry out while we sleep.

Infections are a huge issue and it's about the only time will people will accept these bad breath causes. You may have something like bronchitis, respiratory infections, and various others that leave a discharge on the back of your tongue. When this occurs the bacteria feeds off the protein and enjoys the warmth of your mouth while creating a horrible smell. Obviously you can't avoid the infections themselves, but it is possible you're contributing to them. A good example is around people who smoke. This dries out your mouth and even contributes to periodontal disease. Another area to consider is bad dieting or fasting. This can create ketoacidosis, which is a breakdown of chemicals when an individual isn't eating. It leaves an unpleasant, fruity smell.

Even though there are many other bad breath causes, just understanding some of them will be helpful. We all know that it's hard for you to have bad breath. After all, it not only causes you embarrassment, but your friends and co-workers don't appreciate it either. In order to make a difference you have to change some lifestyle habits. The proper brushing and flossing is a great place to start. If you need a "hold me over" until the situation changes, bring a brush and toothpaste to work so you can brush after a meal. You may also want to contact your dentist if you notice too many bad breath causes. They may have some specific remedies to help the situation.

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